Okay, he looks a little afraid, but who can blame him. I am just proud he sat with him!

Not to mention that he actually talked with him and explained his need for candy. What a big boy!

Cici was with us, but she was not up for sitting with the giant bunny. I can't really blame her. She was up for sitting with the REAL bunnies, which is the entire reason we go to this place for our Easter Bunny Shots.

How great are these?

"Mama, why do we even mess with the big one in the creepy costume? Lets just stick with this!"

No fear here, only love

Henry is thinking "He will be mine"*
Which... no he totally wont. But we can come see him again next Easter!
You can see all the other times Henry has hung out with the bunnies here, here and here. ( Good thing I blog. Otherwise I would have no idea where these pictures were)

You make me feel like such a bad parent... I have never taken Oscar to have his photo taken with Santa (and I'm not even sure anywhere has Easter Bunnies over here...)
ReplyDeleteI shall make a note to try harder from now on, because these are just the greatest photos! I absolutely adore the look of sheer joy and excitement on Cici's face. And Henry looks like he loved the bunnies too :)