So, I have big news. News that, now that I come to think about it, is just insane that I haven't mentioned yet. Are you ready for it....
What? Are you not jumping up and down in your seats and heaving a deep sigh of relief? Just me? Well... right. That seems logical. You all eating isn't dependent on Nick working, but ME eating is. And... well... I like food. And a roof. So YAY FOR THE BIO GIRL FAMILY AND THEIR ABILITY TO EAT AND NOT SLEEP IN THE RAIN!
Where is Nick going to be working, you are asking me? Well turns out he is staying right here at the University! In the 11th hour they came through and decided to create a new position for him rather than lose him. I cannot tell you how rare this is around here. Like, nobody has ever really heard of it happening. It says a lot about Nick and his work ethic, that they were not willing to lose him. We feel extremely blessed and incredibly thankful.
And maybe a little bit stressed. The new job has lots of new responsibilities, which he is focusing on. The new job starts much earlier in the morning which
I am focusing on. Because it has the ability to effect
ME, and reasons such as that have a tendency to draw my attention. Actually most mornings the new start time will only really effect the babysitters. Right now they arrive at the house between 8:30 and 9. Down right leisurely, except when you think of the fact that two of them have an hour drive to get to our house. The new arrival time will be 7:30. So.... ouch for them. (sorry grandma's! But at least we can still eat and wont be moving in to your basements!) But there will be a few days a week where Henry will have to be driven to Boo's house to be with my mom and the girls. And for all of Henry's life, if he had to be driven somewhere in the morning, Nick has done it. Always. This is about to change.
Since Nick and I will now have to leave the house at the same time on a normal day, it was really a coin toss on who would drive him. Since I haven't had the privilege for the last two and a half years, I bravely said I would take the new responsibility. Noble, right? The main problem is that Henry never wakes up early. Never. Like his normal rise and shine time is after 9am. (I know). And on these mornings he is going to have to be in the car by 6:50. SIX FIFTY. That is down right the middle of the night to our sweet boy! So yesterday I decided I was going to do a trial run. I get the car warmed up, I have all our bags in and the doors open so the transition can be as smooth as possible. I have been dreading this. Knowing it will be awful. That he will cry the entire time. That it will take forever, that it will really put a wrench in my entire day.
I scoop him up, praying he will stay asleep. Still in his PJ's, still in his diaper. We are going with the 'grab and go child relocation method' here. He puts his head on my shoulder, but as soon we are outside he knows something is amiss.
"Mama?? What doing??"
'We are going to be with Nanny, baby. You can go back to sleep"
A few seconds pass as we pull out onto our street.
"Mama, FORGOT CLOTHES!" (since he was in his PJ's, and never in his life has he left the house in his PJ's)
"No baby, Mama packed them. Nanny will get you dressed later. You can go back to sleep."
A few seconds pass. I look back and he has his blanket pulled up to his chin. His legs streched and his arms behind his head. He says, "Too Loud. Music mama, need music."
We get to Nanny and he lays his head on my shoulder. "Mama go to work. Henry stay with Nanny. Love you Mama."
Turns out this thing I have been dreading was absolutely the highlight of my day. A few stolen minutes with my sweet boy. I will look forward to our mornings from now on. Those lucky days I get to spend time with my boy before work. What a perfect start to a day.