So back a few months ago I randomly mentioned that it might be fun for all the Kentucky and South Carolina cousins to get a cabin and meet in the middle between our two fair states in the smokey mountains. It was one of those "someday" ideas. Something to talk about, put on a shelf, and maybe do in a few years when we are... I don't know, older? More responsible? I have no idea. But SOMEDAY that would be fun....
Then I mentioned it in the presence of Kelsey:

Who basically said,"Screw someday, here are some links to cabins. What weekend in February is everyone open?" I thought it would be hard to coordinate all our schedules, but turns out it was extremely easy. Just like that...

Cousin Cabin Weekend was HAPPENING.

And we were all pretty excited.

We didn't roll into Tennessee until nearly midnight, so I expected us to crash as soon as we walked in.

Not exactly what happened... but the weekend was off to an excellent start!

Saturday morning we hung around, eating an insane amount of food (I had two full breakfasts.. thank you Nicole, Candice and Lucas!)

Playing games and enjoying being together

Eventually we realized it was INSANELY NICE outside. Like, I don't know, nearly 70 degrees. Or at least it felt that way

Which meant we had no choice but to go-cart

And because we are a family of documentors, it was filmed on multiple go pros
After the amazing Cousin's Cup we headed into downtown Gatlinburg to take in the sights

Turns out there is a lot of traffic on the first pretty day of the year...

But we managed to ignore that and have a great time together.

Candice, Lucas and Henry

Matt and Blair

Me and my sweet boy

Cousins 2.0

Chris looking stoic

After lunch some of us took a chair lift to the top of the mountain

Which turned out to be just a touch terrifying with my PRECIOUS BABY. WHERE-ARE-THE-SEAT-BELTS?!?!

Although the view was excellent

And Henry and Nieem loved it

Meanwhile, some people went go-carting again. Because how can you drive past that level of go-cart tracks without stopping?

Eventually we all made it back to the cabin, where we enjoyed stuff like this

And maybe this... (plus the hot tub, video games, pool, wedding planning and all around good times)

mostly, we just had lots and lots of fun being together.
It was an amazing weekend. Just awesome. And I keep thinking back to it and smiling. I love our family, and I feel so blessed to be part of such a cool group of people. My only complaint is that it went too fast, and that I wanted MORE. More hours in the day, more time to laugh and talk and play games. More time to eat and sleep and be together. Because these people are some of my very favorite in the whole wide world.
Next year I am making us matching family t-shirts... because one of us has to be the nerd that does it.
I have more pictures than words... like I said, we are a documenting sorta family.














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