Turns out I totally do. Which... good to know!
I am not officially teaching this semester, I am doing more of a student teaching stent where I work with the current professor to become comfortable in front of the students while learning the ins and outs of grading, writing exams, and communicating with students outside of class. I also get the opportunity to watch him teach the material I will be teaching next semester. It's been extremely helpful and I feel infinitely more prepared for taking charge of my own class that I would have without this experience. In the coming weeks I am taking on a few full class period lectures, so we will see how that goes, but I am happy to report that my fear of public speaking seems to mainly be under control, and I am confident enough to not be terrified. A little afraid, sure. I mean, it's an hour and fifteen minutes of me standing in front of a class talking. But I feel confident that I can do this. And as I sit through the class each week I think more and more about next semester, about when I am the professor, and rather than being nervous and dreading it, I am getting more and more excited.
So... turns out I might actually like this teaching thing. Who would have thought?
(Apparently the faculty here thought it, which is why they hired me for this. Because they saw something in me I wasn't at all sure was there. So... you know... thanks for that!)

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