If fact, it's more snow than we had two weeks ago...
Our measurement says around 14 inches, but right down the road the official city measurement is 17.1". Other places in the state got TWENTY FIVE INCHES OF SNOW. It's madness around these parts. And not the normal sort of march madness.
So we did what you do...we dug out.
Child labor at it's finest.
Nothing is as motivating as hearing the temps are about to drop to record lows. Might as well dig out while it's a toasty 20 degrees...
I turned around after getting to the end of our sidewalk and found this... he is finding a way to engage in spring activities, no matter the weather conditions... we are just about ready for spring.
And now a video of Henry walking in the snow., because why not?
PS. I have read three more books and am starting on #4 this afternoon. Another Bio Girl Reading Corner is on it's way.

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