Anyway, Wes came to stay! And it was so wonderful! The boys had an absolutely blast together and Nick and I loved getting to spend quality time with him. Do you want to see some pictures? Because I (of course) took lots of pictures....
Things started off good right from the start. I mean, video games always helps, but I want to believe it was because they LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH.
Playing with Legos
More toys
Watching Star Wars A New Hope... they both loved it!
And then, on night one, Wes asked if Henry wanted him to read him a bedtime story. MY HEART COULD HARDLY TAKE THE LOVE.
Saturday morning Nick and I learned what it was like to live with a normal child who wakes up insanely early. I have no idea how you all do it, really. Wes was up for the first time at 5:15 but Nick sent him back to bed arguing that it was most definitely still the middle of the night. at 6:20 there as no going back though, so I got up with him and we hung out and discussed our joint love of Harry Potter over coffee. It was awesome.
Later that day we went to see The Good Dinosaur which was awesome, but also emotional. Not that I should be surprised since it is PIXAR. They love to make the mama's cry. Even Wes and Henry said they got tears in their eyes. A kid sitting behind us BROKE DOWN SOBBING. It reminded me of how I cried when I first saw the Lion King.... ah memories.
After the movie we headed to the park because it is freakishly nice weather around here. They sorta wanted to get back to Super Smash Brothers (oh man, they love playing that game together!) but once they got to the park they admitted that yes, being outside in December is sorta awesome.
That night and the next morning... so much Super Smash Brothers. Also, the first half of Empire Strikes Back.
Sunday we finally were able to catch up with the other cousin! Cici joined us for Luke's birthday party and they all had a blast!
Henry and the birthday boy... this picture cracks me up. Do you think Luke was excited to be turning seven??
And one last picture of Wes and Cici
All in all an excellent weekend with our sweet Godson!

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