**Sorry this is a little late. Things have been birthday-crazy around here! We have had a great few days. I will post pictures from his actual birthday and his big birthday bash soon!**Dear Henry,
What a joy you are. I don't know how else to describe you. This last year has been the very best of my life. It is impossible for me to imagine my life without you now. You have so completely stolen my heart. And not just mine, you have come into our lives and stolen the hearts of your entire family. You are a very loved little boy.
This last month has been a big month for you. You have started walking, which is very exciting! You are so funny to watch. You will take off walking across the room, and as you are doing it you will yell out loud. Just out of pure joy that you are actually doing it all by yourself... or maybe to make sure we are watching. Either way, it's so adorable.
You are eating absolutely everything. I have never known a baby to love food the way you do. A favorite is Mexican, so that is where we are going for your birthday dinner. Only you can get your Papa to eat Mexican and not complain about it. Anything for his sweet boy on his birthday!
Well Henry, I just cannot believe it has been a year. A year since we met you and found out you were a boy. A year since we first saw your sweet face. You are getting so big. So independent. So precious. I wish I could really describe to you how sweet you are. It's just...there aren't words. There aren't words for the love I have for you. I want to describe how you lay your head on my shoulder. How you love to touch my face. How you love kisses and love to kiss us back. I want to write it all down and remember, remember how you were on your first birthday, but I know things will fade and that I cannot freeze these moments. Words do not capture our time. So I will just live it and love it and always be so amazed that I get to be your Mama. Happy birthday my sweet boy. I love you.
I love when you share your letters to Henry with us. I think they are going to be so great to share with him when he gets older.
ReplyDeleteI so can't believe that he is one years old already! Wow time fly's. I love the picture of him sitting in the chair with the 1 on his shirt...so cute.
Also, thank you for the sweet comment on my blog's last post. I've just been so busy, it's been hard to sit and write. Thanks for letting me know that you are sticking with me no matter how many times I write.