And I brought my camera (of course I did... ) so I can share this amazing camping experience with the WORLD! (or you readers... which FEELS like sharing it with the world to me). So are you ready?
Camping 2013:

The family (minus Grandpa who came after work) after climbing to the top of a surprisingly high (to me) mountain (might be classified as a hill, but only by someone NOT climbing it)

Look! We like to be outdoors! And hiking (once we reach the top)!

Henry heading into the woods

This is what hiking looks like. Notice how Uncle Chris is carrying Henry. He may love camping, but he informed us the hiking he "just liked a little because it made his legs hurt." That's my boy!


Chris and Nicole

Candice and Spencer

Nieem showing off his mad balancing skills

Brothers, in front of tents! That we slept in! CAMPING!

Me and Nana (I know, with the bandanna, but I have this fear of ticks, so it does NOT come off while in the woods...)

Henry, just relaxing by our tent

Nieem learning how to start a fire with flint. Henry with a little idol worship going on beside him.

Having a ball

Fired used to cook normal camping food like hot dogs, hamburgers and smores, but also some lesser known camping food like scrambled eggs, biscuits and hashbrowns...(Nana...) (It was delicious)

Henry seriously slept better in the tent than he has in the house in the last month... I think we may relocate his bedroom to the back yard

Henry was thrilled to catch anything that moved... the night was filled with lightening bug hunting, the morning was full of grandaddy long legs (seen here) "Mama! It's a NICE SPIDER!!" as it crawled up his arm

And blue tailed lizards (I had no idea these things lived in Kentucky) but Henry was a HUGE fan of "Herbert"... especially after he pooped. (boys)

Hanging out with Grandpa and Caterpillar while Abner (the grandaddy long leg spider) helped Mama take a picture (whatever it takes to get the shot...)

So much fun... plus was the view from our campsite. So all in all, I am a fan of camping. Nick is on the fence, but with our boys new found love, I am pretty sure we will be back!

Love it! You look sooo much like Missy in that first pic, I may have gotten a little misty. :)