I give you: TWINS AT THE ZOO!
For the record, Henry has started calling Darcy his twin. Like, all the time. Nothing at all confusing about that.

For the record, we would still not have been to the mystical zoo if these lovely people hadn't invited us. They asked, and before we over thought it, we just said yes.

Look! We are at the zoo! THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!
So where to begin with the pictures...

First, we got there... and we checked out the map...

Then we got the twins a sweet ride, and we were on our way!


More animals!


plus fun things like this...

And this!(A petting zoo... they got to pet a turtle. It was thrilling)

My favorite animal...

How can you not love this guy? Seriously. His face...

Enjoying the Lions

Waiting to feed the giraffes (which decided they weren't hungry... bummer. but NEXT ZOO TRIP... PLANS ARE STARTING ALREADY!)

Our little family on the train( which took us around and showed us no animals. How... confusing. Henry loved it because "OH MY GOD. TRAAAAAAAAAIN" but I feel the zoo dropped the ball on this little attraction)

But they DID have boxes in which to keep your children. THE ZOO THINKS OF EVERYTHING!

Basically, these two loved every second.
The zoo... we will see you again.

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