The travel yesterday was exhausting, but fine. I didn't realize it was a holiday weekend until like, five hours into the trip and I was just SO CONFUSED as to why so many people are flying on a Thursday. It was PACKED. But I made it home, I am so happy to see my boys, and all is well.
But that is not the point of this post. The point of this post is to tell you about the amazing books I have been reading! I haven't really read at all this year. I guess between classes and Missy and life I just couldn't. But a few weeks ago I sent out a message to my book review friend , Kate, asking for some recommendations, and man... she hooked me up. Clearly her and I have the same reading interests because I swear, every book she told me to read I have adored. And I want to pass along these gems of books to you all because... well... that's what I do. I share things I love with you so you can read them and tell me you love them too. Then we can talk about these characters like they are real people and it wont be strange AT ALL.
So, I am calling this post my summer reading suggestions list. I will come back and add to it over the next few months (if anybody cares). For now it has four books on it, and they are all most definitely worth checking out!
Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell: This is the first of two books by Rainbow Rowell on the list, and I find it highly likely that as the summer continues, everything she has written will be added. There is something about her writing style that just speaks to me. It reads so natural, and you completely fall in love with her characters. Don't be fooled by this book being listed at Young Adult or by the simple cover. It is a fast read, but the story is amazing.
The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay- I basically read this entire book yesterday. And it is not a light read. But I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. Even once I got home, and the boys were asleep, I stayed up an extra two hours to finish it. Once again it's a Young Adult book, but the subject is anything but juvenile. It is heart wrenching and amazing. The main characters are written so well you feel like you know them. And love them. And just want to help them. The story is dark at parts, but in the same vein as Language of Flowers, is worth it's dark side. And this book pulls off something that few can do, it absolutely grabs you up until the final page. And when you close the book, you will have chills. (at least I did). Read it.
Attachments by Rainbow Rowell: I adored this book. And in some ways, that may be because it reminded me so much of me and Whitney. If you have ever had a friend who makes you laugh (really hard) mostly in the form of emails/IM/texting then you might see yourself in it as well. The story is about a guy who is hired to police the inner office email at a newspaper, and the two best friends who email back and forth throughout the day. The story is sweet and heartfelt and definitely worth reading.
Measure of Love (And Life from Scratch) by Mellisa Ford: These are written by Mel from Stirrup Queens, who has become a dear friend over the years. I adored her first book, Life from Scratch, about a woman who has recently divorced her husband, so begins a blog about learning to cook, and starting live over from scratch. Measure of Love just came out last month, and is the squeal. I don't really want to give away it's story, because it ties too much into the end of Life from Scratch, but both books are great and definitely worth reading this summer!
So that's it (so far). I have about ten more books suggested by Kate, plus everything by Rainbow Rowell on my summer reading list, so I will let you know in future posts when I update here with new suggestions! If you have read anything good this summer, let me know in the comments and I will add it to my list!

I care :-) And not just because you included my book. I finished Attachments yesterday, and Eleanor and Park are next on my list after the Maria Semple book I'm reading. But now I've added Sea of Tranquility, which I didn't know about.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, when I saw it was only $3, I just bought it. So it better be good :-) Just kidding... Uh...
ReplyDeleteI just discovered Rainbow Rowell, too! Can't believe I hadn't heard of her until a few months ago. I've been brow-beating everyone I know into reading both of those books.
ReplyDeleteRight now I'm in the middle of reading Gulp by Mary good! Funny and fascinating, the best kind of nonfiction. I also just re-read Peace Like a River by Leif Enger, which is so good, and I just think everyone would be a better person for having read it. :) Can't wait to hear what else you're reading this summer!
What a great looking list! Thanks! I'm in a little book slump right now and these sound like the perfect antidotes.