Friday was my last day at my old job, and today was my first day at my new job. Big changes in a 72 hour period. It is such a strange feeling to walk into the same building on a Monday morning, but pass the door to my old job, wave at my old coworkers, and make my way to my new desk in a different part of the building. My new responsibilities. My new group. Just down the hall, but yet totally separate from the me of Friday.
Friday was kinda sad. Lots of 'I am still in the building... this isn't a big deal' type conversations. But knowing that we are not going to work together the same. We wont actually work together at all. Our jobs are in the same building, but are totally separate. I will go days without interacting with these people that I spent nearly 40 hours a week working beside for over a year. I will see them, but I wont be apart of them anymore. We work in the same building, but I am no longer in their group. I loved being a part of that group.
And yet as much as I loved it, I wanted this change. I went after this change. And today was wonderful. walking into a lab where I already at least kind of know people, where I feel comfortable, where I am doing something completely new, something I am very excited about, with a new group I am thrilled to get to work with. I am viewed differently today by my new group. I feel different than I did on Friday. Because Friday I was one thing, and Monday I was something else. And it's just down the hall, but it's starting all over again. At a new job, with new people, for the third time in two and a half years.
It's exciting. And it's a little overwhelming too. I will miss my old friends, but I am already thrilled with my new ones. Today was a really great first day. Today makes me feel like this was the best decision I could have made. I am thrilled with my new job.

Congratulations, hon!! (I was wondering if you got the job!)
ReplyDeletecongratulations - I love how it's all worked out for you!