So we had our ultrasound was awesome. Seriously amazing. The rest of the appointment went great too (except we had to wait for two hours to be seen...that wasn't so great, but whatever). I only gained three pounds (how is that possible with all I ate?? a true mystery....) and everything looked normal. Now to the important part, the pictures!

I think my heart might just explode with love...look at that sweet profile!!

In this one they are showing us the arms, but Charing and I voted and we are pretty positive that in the right side picture the baby is flashing his/her butt. What do you all think?

Sweet little baby feet!

Sorta creepy straight on view of the baby's face. Nick thinks this picture is awesome.

Baby legs. In the one on the right you can see some little fingers in there too!

And finally one more profile picture. Just because it is the cutest thing in the whole wide world!
We held our ground and didn't find out if the baby is a boy or girl. Everyone said it would be hard once we had the chance to know, but it really wasn't. We are so excited about the surprise! The baby weighs nine ounces, and measured at a due date of June 2nd. Just two days ahead of schedule, but they said it doesn't mean much at this point. We just loved seeing that sweet little perfect face!
**Update: My full name has now been removed from all pictures! I actually knew it was on there when I posted them, but didn't think it was a big deal (was being lazy and didn't know how to get it off...). I then got a phone call and a comment letting me know it was there (nice blog readers worried about my safety), and realized maybe I was being a little (lot) lazy just leaving it up for the world to Nick showed me how to take it off, and now, I am back to no last name!**
so cute so cute!! love those ultrasound pics when you can actually make out the baby!
ReplyDeleteawww.... can't wait until he/she arrives!
Love it Love it Love it!!!! The butt photo is one of the cutest / funniest I have EVER seen!!! I love the fact that Baby C has some "guns" in their gun rack and is not afraid to brag!!!!
ReplyDeleteStand that ground girlfriend!!!! Not knowing will drive your friends and family the most nuts, but it truly keeps you focused on the ultimate prize at hand = a baby just for you!!!!!
Scott and I find out sometime this week what Baby Mitchell #2 is. We've held our ground twice now and it has been amazing!!!!
Congrats Congrats!!!!
Congratualtions! The pictures of you baby are just adorable! You must be on cloud 9!
ReplyDeleteBTW, Sarah do you know your full name is on the photos?
ReplyDeleteThat is so so so sweet. Oh I just want to swoon over how adorable the baby is! Congratulations - I know you must be beside yourself.
:) So much fun!
So very cute!
ReplyDeleteAnd, I think it's a booty shot, too, with that arm one! :)
Absolutely adorable. I love the profile shots!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh thanks for sharing. He or she looks great. I loved all of the pictures. It made me think of the time when I got to see my little girl. I am very happy for you and Nick.
ReplyDeleteMy post came up twice so I got rid of one of them.
ReplyDeleteAwww what a cute little person you have in there :)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you guys are waiting to find out the sex until s/he pops out! You have much more patience than I would! LOL :) Congrats!
Lovely photos! Thanks for sharing!