Every time I thought about posting this weekend my mind then went straight to..."where in the hell is that camera cord?!?!" then the search would be on...after a whopping five minutes I would throw my hands into the air in disgust and walk away. Repeat about 15 times, and you about have it. BUT, I am so happy to report that today after work I FINALLY found it. For the record, it was in the bookshelf cabinet...not sure how I missed it the first fifteen looks but whatever.
Anyway....the point of getting the camera cord was to share my pictures from the wedding we went to back last weekend...and now that I have the cord and all the pic's I am starting to think they might be a bit of a disappointment...but I don't care. The search for the cord was too great...the pictures must now be posted (for the record there are WAY more than this...but I am thinking only really Tarp wants to see the rest, so they will be emailed). You will note that I have no actual pictures from the wedding...and basically none of the bride or groom...or really anyone of any importance to the special day. What can I say...I am just a little self centered...

Here's Nick outside the wedding...he is so proud of Old Blue!

then a cute picture of me and Nick!

Here is Tarp and I looking very respectable...this is before the mother of the bride stripped off his coat and vest and led him around the dance floor with his tie

And now we move into the pictures after I got a couple of glasses of wine in me...here is yours truly...looking just a touch foolish

then my very handsome husband...

Boo looking marvelous...who may have also had a couple of drinks in her by this point...

Tarp, who did an excellent job as groomsman ...and together we made the Bio department proud

My brother in law Chris...take note that clearly I am getting a little out of focus here...

And now I seem to be getting a bit worse...this is my attempt as a self portrait...

And now I just need to put the camera away...

I did get one picture of the bride and groom...I am not THAT self centered.... okay, you totally can't see the bride, but still it counts.
Lol! Sounds and Looks like you had a great time!